CatRotationHelper is an addon specifically created for Feral Druids. It shows combo points, all important buffs, debuffs and cooldowns in Cat & Bear Form in an extremely compact way.
Cat Form:
-shows duration of Savage Roar
-shows Weakened Armor
-timers for your Rake and Rip
-timer for Tiger's Fury cooldown
-shows combo points
-indicator when Faerie Fire debuff is missing
-indicator when Feral Charge (Cat) is ready
-indicator for Predator's Swiftness procs
Bear Form:
-timers for Mangle and Thrash cooldowns
-shows Weakened Armor
-shows Weakened Blows
-timer for Lacerate wearoff
-displays Lacerate count with combo point graphics
-indicator for Savage Defense wearoff
-indicator when Enrage is ready
-shows icon when Faerie Fire debuff is missing
Additionally, icons are shown when Berserk, Survival Instincts, Barkskin and Might of Ursoc are ready. You can customize this addon in the interface->addons options.
Added by: Sillver
22-January-2025 Views: 11230