WoW Inscription Guide 1-525


This WoW Inscription guide (updated for 4.3) will help you level your skill from 1-525 while trying to help you save gold and level up in the best way possible. If you find yourself running low on gold while doing this guide take a look at this Gold Guide for all the info you need to make tons of gold.

When you see "Your Pick” in the guide below that means that you should select any orange glyph to make or yellow if there are none that are orange to you anymore, as will be the case in a few instances. Make sure to train often so that you are making the best glyphs for you to level off of.


In order to get supplies for Inscription you’ll need to buy some and mill some. Below is a list of the herbs you will need to mill to get certain pigments. These pigments will be used to create inks to use to create glyphs and scrolls.

Alabaster Pigment: Peacebloom, Earthroot, Bloodthistle, and Silverleaf

Dusky Pigment: Bruiseweed, Swiftthistle, Briarthorn, Stranglekelp, and Mageroyal

Golden Pigment: Liferoot, Kingsblood, Wild Steelbloom, and Grave Moss

Emerald Pigment: Khadgar’s Whisker, Goldthorn, Wintersbite, and Fadeleaf

Violet Pigment: Blindweed, Arthas’ Tears, Firebloom, Purple Lotus, Gromsblood, Ghost Mushroom, and Sungrass

Silvery Pigment: Golden Sansam, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage, Plaguebloom, and Icecap

Nether Pigment: Ragveil, Terocone, Ancient Lichen, Nightmare Vine, Netherbloom, Mana Thistle, Felweed, and Dreaming Glory

Azure Pigment: Icethorn, Lichbloom, Fire Leaf, Fire Seed, Constrictor Grass, Tiger Lily, Adder’s Tongue, Deadnettle, Goldclover, and Talandra’s Rose

Ashen Pigment: Cinderbloom, Stormvine, Azshara’s Veil, Heartblossom, Twilight Jasmine, and Whiptail

Inscription 1-150

Here is the guide…

Projected SkillItemComponents Required (per craft)
1-17Ivory Ink1 Alabaster Pigment
17-35Scroll of Intellect/Stamina/or Spirit1 Ivory Ink/1 Light Parchment
35-54Moonglow Ink2 Alabaster Pigment
54-75Enchanting Vellum1 Moonglow Ink/2 Light Parchment
75-80Midnight Ink2 Dusky Pigment
80-101Your Pick3 Midnight Ink/1 Light Parchment
101-105Lion’s Ink2 Golden Pigment
105-126Your Pick3 Lions Ink/1 Common Parchment
126-129Dawnstar Ink1 Burnt Pigment
129-147Your Pick3 Lions Ink/1 Common Parchment
147-150Strange Tarot2 Dawnstar Ink/1 Common Parchment



Inscription 150-250

Continuing on! At this point if you are feeling a lack of gold already I suggest you look at this gold guide because you have a long ways to go until 525!

Projected SkillItemComponents Required (per craft)
150-155Jadefire Ink2 Emerald Pigment
155-197Your Pick3 Jadefire Ink/1 Common Parchment
197-200Arcane Tarot2 Royal Ink/1 Common Parchment
200-205Celestial Ink2 Violet Pigment
205-247Your Pick3 Celestial Ink/1 Heavy Parchment
247-250Your Pick3 Celestial Ink/1 Heavy Parchment



Inscription 250-350

Projected SkillItemComponents Required (per craft)
250-255Shimmering Ink2 Silvery Pigment
255-260Scroll of Spirit V1 Shimmering Ink/2 Heavy Parchment
260-290Your Pick3 Shimmering Ink/1 Heavy Parchment
290-305Ethereal Ink2 Nether Pigment
305-350Your Pick3 Ethereal Ink/1 Resilient Parchment



Inscription 350-425

Moving along, as you go through this guide, as with any profession guide, you’ll find it keeps getting more expensive! Take a look at this gold making guide if you are running low on gold.

Projected SkillItemComponents Required (per craft)
350-355Ink of the Sea2 Azure Pigment
355-360Scroll of Spirit VII1 Ink of the Sea/2 Resilient Parchment
360-365Scroll of Intellect VII1 Ink of the Sea/2 Resilient Parchment
365-370Scroll of Strength VII1 Ink of the Sea/2 Resilient Parchment
370-375Scroll of Agility VII1 Ink of the Sea/2 Resilient Parchment
375-380Snowfall Ink2 Icy Pigment
380-385Glyph of Ice Lance1 Ink of the Sea/1 Resilient Parchment
385-386Northrend Inscription Research3 Ink of the Sea/1 Snowfall Ink/5 Resilient Parchment
386-400Your Pick3 Ink of the Sea/1 Resilient Parchment
400-405Scroll of Stamina VIII1 Ink of the Sea/2 Resilient Parchment
405-410Scroll of Spirit VIII1 Ink of the Sea/2 Resilient Parchment
410-415Scroll of Intellect VIII1 Ink of the Sea/2 Resilient Parchment
415-420Scroll of Strength VIII1 Ink of the Sea/2 Resilient Parchment
420-425Scroll of Agility VIII1 Ink of the Sea/2 Resilient Parchment



Inscription 425-525

If you need help getting enough gold to finish off take a look at this gold making guide.

From 500-522 make sure to use your cooldown on Forged Documents.

Projected SkillItemComponents Required (per craft)Notes
425-445Blackfallow Ink2 Ashen PigmentContinue to make this until 450 if you don’t get enough to complete the next steps.
445-450Scroll of Intellect IX1 Blackfallow Ink/2 Resilient Parchment
450-455Scroll of Protection IX1 Blackfallow Ink/2 Resilient Parchment
455-460Scroll of Spirit IX1 Blackfallow Ink/2 Resilient Parchment
460-465Scroll of Stamina IX1 Blackfallow Ink/2 Resilient ParchmentYou can also make Adventurer’s Journal from 460-475 (or longer) instead.
465-470Scroll of Strength IX1 Blackfallow Ink/2 Resilient Parchment
470-475Scroll of Agility IX1 Blackfallow Ink/2 Resilient Parchment
475-485Inferno Ink2 Burners EmbersIf you don’t have the Burning Embers you can just make Dust of Disappearance all the way to 500 if you want to.
485-490Dust of Disappearance2 Blackfallow Ink
490-500Manual of the Planes2 Inferno Ink/2 Volatile Water/2 Volatile Air/2 Volatile Earth/2 Volatile Fire/10 Resilient Parchment
500-505Runescroll of Fortitude II5 Inferno Ink/5 Resilient Parchment
505-511Runed Dragonscale8 Inferno Ink/24 Volatile Life/6 Volatile Fire/1 Deathwing Scale Fragment
511-520Dungeoneering Guide10 Resilient Parchment/8 Inferno Ink/24 Volatile Life/6 Volatile Water
520-525Tattooed Eyeball12 Inferno Ink/36 Volatile Life/12 Volatile Water/1 Preserved Ogre Eye



If you have any suggestions for this guide please email me at: