Makes mail management easier task, also can auto collect mail items and delete pending auction mails.
Cosmos died. But life is not over! This is the bona-fide update to the original Cosmos version. Accept no substitutes!
Modifications to the World of Warcraft mail frame.
- For each character, remembers the last addressee to whom mail was sent and defaults that name into the addressee field when a new blank mail is displayed.
- Remembers a user-configurable number of recently-mailed addressees by realm, and allows the player to select from the list to fill in the addressee field by clicking on a drop-down button displayed to the right of the addressee field. If the list is at maximum length, the addressee least recently mailed is removed to add a new addressee. Right-clicking a name in the drop-down list prompts the user to delete that name from the addressee list.
- A check box in the options window allows the player to use Blizzard's new standard auto-complete functionality. Clearing this check box causes the addressee field to use EasyMail's custom auto-complete functionality.
- Names from the player's friends list and members of the player's guild can be displayed in the addressee drop-down list by setting the appropriate options.
- Automatically fills in the mail subject line if it is empty when entering money to send.
- A Take All button is added to the Open Mail window that allows the player to move all the item and money attachments for the open mail into the player's bags with a single click. This button is disabled on COD mails until the user clicks one item and confirms the COD. The button will not take existing mail text as an attachment. The Take All process will time out if it is unable to take an attachment for 8 seconds. Closing the mail window will also cancel the process.
- A Get Attachments button is added to the inbox that allows the user to get all attachments from all mails that have been selected using checkboxes positioned to the left of each mail entry. A second button has been added to the inbox that allows the user to either mark or clear all mails for attachment retrieval. COD mails will be ignored until the COD is confirmed manually for each mail by the user. To cancel the attachment retrieval process, close the mailbox.
- Right-click attachment retrieval and mail deletion from the inbox. Right-clicking a mail item with attachments in the inbox will cause the take all process to attempt to retrieve all attachments from the mail. If the mail has text but no attachments, right-clicking will delete the mail. If the mail has both attachments and text, right-clicking will cause the take all to retrieve the attachments. Then, right-clicking again will delete the mail. The right-click does not affect COD mails until after the user chooses to accept the COD manually. The user can opt to disable the deletion prompt for mails marked as read. EasyMail will always prompt on the deletion of unread mails.
- Displays mail text in the inbox item tooltip. WARNING: Mails will be immediately marked as read once the tooltip has been displayed. Due to Blizzard's API design, mail text may take a few seconds to appear in the tooltip.
- A Forward button is added to the open mail window. Clicking this button opens a new mail with "FW:" + <subject> coied into the subject line and the text of the open mail body copied into the new mail body. IMPORTANT NOTE: Blizzard's mail system design complicates the automatic forwarding of mail attachments. Therefore, attachments cannot be forwarded using this button at this time. Only the text of the open mail will be copied into the new mail. Attachments must still be moved to the new mail manually. However, this new forwarding functionality makes the process a bit less cumbersome, since the new mail will be visible while you are still viewing the mail with attachments.
See the Readme.txt for configuration information.
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